134 – Hiraeth: Homesick For Something That No Longer Exists

Hireath is an old Welsh word describing a feeling of homesickness for something that no longer exists. In the grief journey, in major life transitions, and in almost every pursuit of the great adventure, this is a feeling with which we must grapple. 

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131 – Six Things You Must Be Willing to Do Before You Can Embrace YOUR Great Adventure

Having let go of a lot of significant things about our former life, and having made an ongoing decision to step into a new life, new adventures, and new focus, we’ve found these 6 things to be true and necessary for taking risks and going in unproven new life directions. 

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130 – How Do You Know if An Open Door is the Right Door?

How do you know when an open door is the right door? Sometimes we have to wait so long and opportunities are so hard to come by that when we have an opportunity we feel we should seize it. In this episode we are discussing doors, when to walk through them and when to walk past them. 

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129 – Mission drift will take you places you don’t want to go, and how to avoid it

Mission drift is when you unintentionally broaden your focus and start moving toward things you you never intended to pursue, your life travels the path of least resistance, and you end up where you never planned or wanted to go. In this episode we explore mission drift and talk about a few ways to avoid it or get back on track when it is happening.


Our Journey Through Appalachia

(I don’t often take the time to post from my journal, but this morning, I just wanted to share this entry as we minister in Appalachia this morning.)

Sometimes it seems that everything about life is strange. The way it progresses, the path it takes, the way we make sense out of everything. 

When I come back to these mountains, I am often taken back to the first season of my life. The season in which I was learning what life was through my observations. It was not a cognizant effort, but impressions were created as first impressions almost every moment of every day. 
