128 – Why it is Important to Model the Way

Spiritual leaders model the way. We model expectations and the pace for those we love and lead. In this episode we discuss 5 things we must model to those we love and lead. 

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111 – Can’t Get Your Work Done? Routines Increase Effectiveness

routines increase effectivenessRoutines increase your effectiveness. We make hundreds of decisions a day, but if you pre-decide the things you do over and over again, you will conserve a lot of energy you could devote to other things, you will not suffer as much from decision fatigue, and you will more efficiently get your work done. Then you can rest better and get to some of the things that recharge you.

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104 – The Importance of Celebrating Wins

Celebrating WinsCelebrating wins encourages the heart because it emphasizes the reality that we really are moving forward, When life is just one long string of events, those events run together without separators. Celebrating wins emphasizes that we really are going somewhere good, and we actually have a chance of getting there. In this episode of Calibrate Life, we discuss the importance of celebrating our wins. 

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084 – Significance, Is It Worth It and Does It Matter?


Significance is importance, we want to be important. Significance is being of consequence, mattering. Our existence and our presence being of consequence, mattering, making a difference. When we say we want to live a significant life, what we usually mean is we want our life to matter, we want the fact that we were here to change something, to be transformational in some way. We want our lives to have worth.

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077 – Navigating and Leading Chaos

Lead the chaos

Whether we initiate the chaos or it spontaneously erupts, we’ve got to give leadership to the chaotic state of things. We’ve got to navigate through the chaos. Leaders sometimes lead through spontaneous chaos that just happened, and at other times, we actually initiate chaos to transition from our present reality to our desired future. In this week’s episode, David and Donna discuss when to initiate chaos and how to appropriate lead through chaos.

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