051 – Focus on these Seven Things to Discover Your Unique Path

051 – Focus on these Seven Things to Discover Your Unique Path

Sometimes the pieces and parts of our lives seem so random, but what if they actually do fit together? What if those pieces are orchestrated components that, when taken together, give us insight into God’s path for our lives? What are those seemingly random pieces upon which we must focus? Calibrate Life is about aligning the pieces of our lives to gain movement into God’s desired future. There are at least seven pieces of our lives that may fit uniquely together to give us a clue or a certainty of the directions we are to take. In this episode of CalibrateLife, David and Donna talk about 7 pieces that often fit together to cause our unique path to clearly emerge.


024 – Living Life Right Now!

024 – Living Life Right Now!

Life can only be experienced and lived in the moment. The past is the foundation for right now and the future is built upon the life we are living right now. When we live life in the past or in the future we sacrifice the joy we should experience right now. How do we embrace the past, look to the future, and still experience the joy of living, leading, and loving today, right now?

In this episode of the Calibrate Life Podcast, David and Donna talk about the importance of living life right now, not in the past, and not in the future, but right now! Continue reading for the article and time-stamped episode notes and links.
